Gekkota: Catalog of recent species
DeLisle, Nazarov, Raw & Grathwohl, 2013
RETAIL PRICE (UK) – £90.00
Note: Only 100 copies of this book were ever printed. To place an order in UK please contact: Afriherp Orders SHIPPING Depends on location – Please enquire. About The BookThis approximately 10″ by 8″ book brings together over 380 pages of the latest information on the nomenclature of all known Gekkotan species into a single volume. It details original descriptions, type species of genera as well as the types and their repositaries for all species where these details are known. It will be a valuable resource for taxonomists, conservationists and those studying biodiversity and biogeography. Introduction – A brief overview of the Gekkota, listing the families and their included genera, their natural history as well as a list of all the museums and other collections where type material has been deposited. Catalog – This lists every gekkotan species known to the authors as at 30 April 2013. References are given for the original descriptions, major synonyms (excluding errors and misidentifications) are listed together with details of the types where known. Distributions are given for each species or subspecies while taxonomic notes provide comments on differing taxonomic views, e.g. whether a full species or only a subspecies, or whether to recognize certain genera or not. To simplify reader use, each genus is listed in alphabetical order as are the included species. Plates – Each genus is illustrated by a photograph of one of the member species. There are eighteen plates, each with six full color photographs. Acknowledgements – Recognizing the assistance of those who have contributed to this book in many different ways. References – A complete list of all the publications referred to in the catalog. Taxon Index – A convenient index allowing the location of synonyms to be easily found. About The AuthorsHarold De Lisle – emeritus professor of biology, Moorpark, California. |
Updated 20 April 2023